Monument in Right Feet Major
By Todju Kurtzman, Installed 2007

Todji’s bronze and stainless steel sculptures are created from inspiration, discipline, and travels in North and South America that ultimately lead to the journey within, to discover what it means to serve the higher purpose through art by making the world a more beautiful place for everyone.
I strive to serve the higher purpose by creating public art that celebrates all peoples, and our commonalities with each other and nature. My site specific public art sculptures acknowledge all people’s histories, and welcomes the participation of all good peoples in our common dream of happiness, healing, and prosperity together.
Todji Kurtzman Sculpture LLC offers my 30 years of professional sculpture experience, and my father Ken’s 55 years of licensed architecture experience as principle of his own firm Kenneth Kurtzman Architects and Planners LLC.
I encourage audiences to embrace their own experience and interpretation of my sculpture. I have learned the most about my own work by what audiences have shared with me about their own experience.