Morning Flight
By Adam Schultz, Installed 2023

Adam Schultz’s 12-foot sculpture Morning Flight depicts a stylized bronze hawk, representing the spirit of flight, casting its shadow across the sheer rock face it passes. Only the shadow of a rabbit escaping into the brush can be seen on another, smaller boulder just in front of the diving hawk.
The monolithic stones for this project are quarried from the hills west of Loveland, near Masonville, CO. The 10,000-pound stones serve to support and tell the story of the hawk and rabbit while also symbolizing our connection to the earth.
Adam carved the shadows of the two animals into the face of the stones after they were cut to specifications. He also carved future-primitive-style petroglyphs into the back of the stones, such as handprints and spirals, to represent our connection to the past and, on a larger scale, humanity’s collective journey through life.