Between Broncs
By Garland Weeks, Installed 1990

Garland lives by the credo, “An artist sees what every man has seen and thinks what no one else has thought!”
He delights in the natural forms, emotions, and nuances of Mother Nature, which continually sources his sculptures with new, creative, and innovative ideas. He says that he is “still in awe of the ever changing subtleties of nature and the impact such changes have on the artistic inner spirit. The turn of a foot, the drop of an eyelid, the nuance of a smile—the observations of which can be the lifeblood – the heartbeat – of a new, interpretive creation of art.”
This along with his combined interests in literature, science, history, cultural heritage, social culture, and personal rodeo and cowboy experience, he is never at a loss for new thoughts and grand ideas to make his works.