Swamp Donkey
By T.D. Kelsey, Installed 1999

T.D. Kelsey grew up on a ranch near Bozeman, Montana. He rodeoed for many years in rough stock events and team roping. Following that, T.D. trained and showed his own cutting horses for several years. He worked as a commercial pilot for United Airlines until 1979 when he resigned to devote full time to his art.
His interest in, and promotion of, Texas longhorn cattle, maintenance of a wild horse herd on his ranch, passion for Africa and its wildlife, and concern for the conservation of wildlife worldwide have inspired many of his works. An avid traveler, he has visited many countries on every continent except Antarctica, drawing and sculpting people and animals from all corners of the world in addition to his western subjects. He is known for his intense, impressionistic sculptures that capture the spirit of his subjects.