By Jeff Oens, Installed 2003

Jeff Oens is a widely renowned professional sculptor who’s bronze artworks are exhibited in prominent art collections across the USA, including life-size and monumental pieces in such sculpture gardens as the Na Aina Kai Botanical/sculpture Gardens on the Island of Kaui, Hawaii; a 125 acre wildlife sculpture garden in Charlottesville Virginia; and a total of three major bronzes in a private 25 acre sculpture garden in Monroe, Washington.
In addition to his accomplishments as an original artist, Jeff Oens has also been honored to have been chosen to conserve the sculpture collection of the A. Phimister Proctor Museum. Jeff’s role as Conservator has included performing professional repairs and restoration on the Museum’s unique and valuable collection of wildlife & western sculptures by the famed historic sculptor Alexander Phimister Proctor.
Jeff’s interest and passion for wildlife, stems from his childhood in Montana, where his family’s western lifestyle revolved around animals and nature. From tending their string of rodeo horses; to outfitting, pack horse trips and frequent visits to Glacier National Park and the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Jeff’s childhood was filled with exposure to animals, both domestic stock and wildlife, which he was able to observe closely in their natural habitats.