Sky Hook II
By Greg Reiche, Installed 2003

Art and a love of the natural world have been the major constants of my life. Growing up in rural New Mexico, my life has been one immersed in an abundance of natural wonders, diverse cultures, and rich artistic traditions. Perhaps that is why it seems to be in my very DNA to be a “maker” of things.
Some of my earliest childhood memories revolve around making–constructing with sticks and stones–channeling water through canals etched into the hard caliche soil of my back yard wilderness. Like those channels etched into the soil, my exploration of artistic expression has taken many twists, turns, meanders and loops through a variety of different styles and media. I have explored, and continue to explore, the many nuances of working in a wide variety of both man-made and natural materials.
The flow of all of these explorations comes together to form an ever evolving reservoir of creative memory that informs my current creative process. My evolution into public art has been driven by a deep desire to engage in work that serves the larger public. Filled with collaboration, creativity and discovery, I enjoy the intellectual and creative rigor demanded by these projects. Once again, I am in the flow, exploring uncharted waters and trusting that the creative process will take me where I need to go.